In Mining Camp Scuttlebutt, We bring you the current news related to El Dorado County that will hopefully keep more gold in your poke, a smile on your face and more impowered to take action to protect our interests as a community going FORWARD. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Articles and opinions from outside accredited sources like Judicial Watch- Tom Fitton, Howard Jarvis Tavpayer's, Dinesh D'souza, Jason Chaffetz, David McCree and many more. Quotations by famous people about government..
Posts on Government and the Constitution of the United States & Declaration of Independence
In this section we will feature the new mining equipment of the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Some will be the Melodramatic Comedy for the Ages
The Bigger Question is why we need this equipment????????
In the coming days, the new and old characters in the Satire "The Miners Inch, A Melodramatic Comedy" will make their appearance. These characters are purely fictional. Any connection to real people will be yours to make. Please enjoy all the picture of Hangtown and El Dorado County.
El Dorado County General Plan 2021 Housing Element (docx)
DownloadB - CAO Memorandum of Agreement-1a (pdf)
DownloadAgenda (10) (pdf)
DownloadPublication10-24-Final (pdf)
Downloadfy-2024-25-recommended-adopted-budget (pdf)
DownloadAgenda 10-22-2024 (pdf)
DownloadAgenda BOS 11-5-24 (pdf)
DownloadAgenda (10) (pdf)
DownloadAgenda (10)x (pdf)
DownloadAgenda (10)1-28-25 (pdf)
DownloadJust in case you may not have known (docx)
DownloadCitizens of the United States (docx)
DownloadThe Constitution of the United (docx)
DownloadThe Declaration of Independence (docx)
DownloadDeclaration Principles (docx)
DownloadWashington's Farewell Address (docx)
DownloadEisenhower Farewell Address (docx)
DownloadDownload a PDF of a recent issue.
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